The Passing of a Little Trooper

Sir Wallingford
Date of Birth: unknown
Date of Rebirth: August 26th in the year of our Lord 2008

Sir Wallingford (aka Wally) was a noble gent who knew no other word than fight to the end. And along the way he would come to stay with someone with a heart filled with Love and Compassion.

Little did anyone know when Sir Wallingford crossed their path, that he would have such an emotional bond with them. A bond of that no other. He didn't play, nor did he bark, but in his eyes you could read his desires. For all he wanted, in what time he may have had left, is someone to Love him for who he had become. Sir Wallingford was a gentle sole with an aurora about him that one couldn't help to fall in love with.

With his quirky little ways of spinning in circles or chomping down on the spoon that fed him and not letting go, you couldn't help but to keep on trying to let this Little Trooper continue in his quest to find a better place in his mind.

Sir Wallingford was a trooper to the end. The passing of souls to lend the space for another in need was in his eyes. He knew his time was over. God sent him here for a reason and he accomplished that task. He reminded those around him, that every dog, cat, or any animal, needs someone to love them and to take care of them, no matter what their health may be or how much time they may have left. He taught those around him to explore all options, within their means, and to learn new ways to help those in need. He accomplished all of this in the short few months of being in the loving hands of a very special person. He knew he had done what he was sent to do and now it was time to let him go.

So with all my love and those that loved him too, we say farewell to Wally and will cherish the time we had with him.

He was a pro when it came to making circles.

No more exercises to counter the spinning.

The spinning has stopped.
The pain is gone. You are free to romp in the tall grasses and let the wind blow in your face. God's special little trooper has gone home.

In Wally's memory and a tribute to his strength, a Lilac tree named Prince Charming, and rightly so, was planted that will breathe a new beginning each spring and remind us just how pure life can be and the beauty of what has been given to us to cherish each and every day.

Until we meet again.

We love you Wally.

The latest on Wally

I took Wally in to one of my local favorite vets for a chat for a second opinion. He’s been stuck in auto-pilot making crop circles in the yard and getting weaker and weaker. It is about 2 months post HW treatment- and he has been struggling. Dr. Smith looked him over and suggested that we try a course of Prednisone and Baytril in case his spinning is related to an inner ear/ infection/swelling. It could be the Erlichia could still be causing problems or the heartworm treatment caused his original spinning to worsen.

Well I didn’t expect any dramatic changes- but I am pleasantly surprised to see some positive improvements in less than 2 days. Wally seems to be sleeping better and even noticeably dreaming and to my relief he is more alert to me calling his name. He spinning is less tight and he is looking up more alertly when he sees me or the other dogs and he was even following me around the yard a little yesterday and a bit this AM. Keep thinking happy thoughts for Wally.

Two Convalescents...

Wally has a sunny day out together with Lucy, who is recovering
from surgery---the two have decided that they BOTH want to
get well and find their forever homes!

Yard Time

Wally and Ali enjoy some yard time.
Wally is still incredibly weak. He will still go through more medication to see if possible infections can be cleared up that might interfere with him walking straight. This boy still needs huge TLC. We are crossing our fingers that we will see more progress for this poor boy.

Bath & Naptime

Wally gets a cooling bath...
...look at that little fella---who can resist those eyes?
...then outside for naptime...hopefully safe from bothersome flies.

Video of Lisa working with Wally

Dr. Carl explains his muscle testing technique---with Wally

Wally's Treatment Session with Dr. Carl-Dog Chiropractor

Update on Wally

Wally Wally Wally...well the heartworm treatments are done. That was so hard on Sir Wallingford. We did one treatment and a double 6 weeks later. He was so weak and it has been a struggle to keep him going. His spinning behavior has returned and we are hopeful that over time the brain damage will subside. Just getting him to do straight lines is an accomplishment- but there are glimmers of Old Wally in that little brain. The good thing is although he was anemic for quite a while- he is eating like a champ (as long as I put the food bowl in front of him) and he still wants to keep going.

Recent blood work was pretty good but the Erlichia test showed he was still positive so we'll get him back on Doxycycline and hope that once his Immune System doesn't have to fight so hard against the dying worms, that it can go after the tick borne illness. He is on Immune System, Iron, Vitamin and Hip and Joint supplements.

I was given some therapy exercises to help his left brain and hopefully these will help over time. It is so sad to think the neglect that sweet Wally suffered and what he must feel like being like an Alzheimer's patient.

All I can do is hope the he pulls through and that we can give him a few more happy years. I LOVE YOU WALLY!!! Lisa - IBR President

Great Strides by Sir Wallingford

It's a little slow going but Wally is making Great Strides in his recovery. Today he went on a short walk, by our standards, but did very well and is looking stronger every day. Take a look at how well he's doing.

And after every good walk comes nap time and Wally didn't waste anytime doing that with a little assistance

Sweet Dreams.

Baby Steps

Lisa reports on Wally's progress:

So it has been over 2 weeks since Wally had his first heartworm treatment. To my relief he is back to eating, peeing and pooping all by himself!! To my amazement he also climbed up a flight of 6 steps when I was trying to rinse him off.

He is the energizer Setter and his good days are much better than his bad. He still can’t hold himself up long enough to eat standing (he flops down and then I have to push the food bowl back to him) but over all his appetite is good. He needs a lot of chiropractic care to help with his weak back and leg muscles- but I have no doubt he will get stronger in the next few months.

Once he has his 2nd treatment in 3 weeks, I will be actively looking for a new foster home for him. A retired person that can help do some muscle building therapy would be ideal."
If you would be interested in fostering little Wally, please contact Illinois Birddog Rescue and complete our foster application.

At Dr. Kinard's Office

Wally is safe---but boy, what a state he is in. He can barely stand, has hip issues and is diagnosed Heartworm positive.
This boy will need a lot of tender, loving care for a long time!!

Rally to Rescue of Sir Wallingford!

Poor Wally, who is about 10 years old, was dumped by his owner at a Tennessee shelter. He was in a sad state and had so obviously not been cared for properly.
Time was ticking---his euthanization date was announced. With the help of local volunteers and a compassionate vet (Dr. Kinard), IBR was able to step in and save Wally.